10% of me


So far, I have lost nothing in April.   The biggest problem with this “I’ll get there when I get there” take on weight loss is that it would be very easy to become completely apathetic.  I really do like taking my time. . .and I like the guilt-free aspect of it.  Like I’ve said before,  I am not capable of giving up anything forever.  I like fried foods. . .I like pasta.  . basically, if it’s bad for you, I like it! 

On a positive note,  April brought me to the realization that I have lost 2 dress sizes.   Yesterday I tried a dress on and it felt AMAZING to ask the sales associate for my NEW size.  I loved the dress I tried on, but in the dressing room I decided I didn’t really earn it.  I bought a dress the week before and while it’s exciting . . .this isn’t where I want to land.  I don’t want a closet full of new clothes even if they are two size smaller.

I want to keep progressing to a healthy weight. . .still with the attitude that I’m not racing.  I just can’t keep taking two week vacations from healthy eating and exercising!

I’ve reset my WW week so today is day 1.  I’m excited to dig back in!   I have some chronic knee issues, but I refuse to let it sideline me.  I’m just going to push through it.  In the end, my knees will thank me for not making them haul around the extra 50lbs!  I’m very close to losing 10% of my body weight and I’d really like to get there by May.

Benefits of losing 10% of your body weight

I am going to make more of an effort to blog every day.  Part of me gets discouraged if I don’t see many visitors, but really this blog is for me.  Just a daily check in with myself!

Hope everyone has a good week and I hope to post a few times this week!